Our Mission
Our Mission
To contribute to the correct learning and proper application of the legal legislation in customs and foreign trade; to contribute to the visions and requests of the foreign trade people’s visions to conduct business and transactions in the national and international trade arena.
Our Vision
To contribute to the development of equitable and fair trade in the national and international trade platform, to the employment of a trained workforce in this field, to the creation of a shared trade language
Our Objectives
A quote by Henry FORD states, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Based on this quote, in the field of Customs and Foreign Trade;
- Following the current legislation and delivering the current and correct legislation to service users on time,
- Contributing to the creation of a common language for the public and private sector components serving in the field of foreign trade and customs,
- Finding solutions by accurately distinguishing the problems of foreign trade people,
- Providing service in a discipline that attaches importance to the service user’s commercial secrets and mission during and after the service period.